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Friday, December 24, 2010

OMFG -- a S'pore goodbye!

It's my last day here in Singapore and the only word to describe how I'm feeling is grateful. This trip has been a crazy, wonderful, enlightening experience that I can add to all the other experiences I've had thus far in my grand journey. As my gorgeous roommate and now good friend makes dinner in our little kitchen above the church, I plan on leaving Singapore the way I came -- with the company of amazing friends. I'm probably also going to leave partying because let's face it, that's how I came here too...boarding my flight after being out until 6am the night before -- not fun! I wanted to write a quick list of what I'm thankful for while my memories are still fresh:
The people
Singapore has been an amazing city to live in, and I'm sure I'll be back in the near future. The people here are insanely polite, and this coming from a Canadian can only mean that they're not just a little polite -- they're ridiculously, generously, beautifully polite. From the friends of friends who graciously shared their yachts, homes, and dinners to the darling little old man who walked up to my roommate and I in the pouring rain and insisted on holding his umbrella over our soaking heads until we hailed a cab. There was also the woman with the Chanel purse, LV pantsuit and if I remember correctly, the Swaroski-encrusted manicure, who took twenty minutes on her smartphone to locate the address I was looking for and then walked me to it, all the while apologetically saying sorry as to how long it was taking. This isn't just politeness in the form of a tight smile and terse thank you like we've become used to; this is genuine care and I appreciated every lovely moment of it.
The food
As if this really needs any explaining -- read my previous post. Let's just say I have to hit the gym hard when I get back. I don't care if you don't make friends with salad...I'm going to be best-freaking-friends with salad once my plane hits the ground!
The parties
It's true, you can't go totally insane here because of all the laws, but you can still go 90%! And, like anyone who's on vacation of sorts, the anonymity helps with achieving that 90%. I've fallen into another phase of hardcore love for house music simply from dancing my bum off to Armin at 4 in the morning in the clubs, then until sunrise on my balcony or the beach....there's nothing quite like being totally in the moment listening to house beats while throwing back Moet on the beach. It's a feeling where everything seems consequence-less and just dandy -- and to feel that way even momentarily is memorizing. Although, when our landlord informed us one morning that the church had called to inquire as to "who was screaming about drugs at 4 a.m.?!" I remembered that of course, things aren't quite as consequence-less as they some times seem in my head...for the most part anyways!
Me Myself & I
Everyone...and I mean everyone needs time alone -- away from everything and everyone you're used to, to just be. Yes, it's clichéd to say we all "find ourselves" in our twenties but it's clichéd for a reason. It's because we all do, and however you choose to do that, whether it's a trip, or any other it.

While I'm dreading the three flights I have to take in just a few hours, I figure it's a small price to pay for the experience I've had here. In reference to the post I wrote after just arriving black Samsonite is definitely the only baggage I'm leaving with tonight. And thank the heavens for that.

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