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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OMFG -- Ohhh Charlie.

Oh Charlie. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. That drunken, high, prostitute-banging mess known as Charlie Sheen sat down for his first post-mess interview and it -- oh jeez, where do I even begin. I give credit where credit is due and the man is honest if nothing else. Aside from his stark honesty however is, in my opinion, a pathetic little man with some serious ego delusions.

If you haven't seen the interview yet, check it out here:

Some poetically beautiful gems (note the extreme sarcasm) spoken from his mouth include the lines: "I'm not bi-polar...I'm bi-winning!", "I probably took more than anyone could survive...because I'm me. I'm different, I have a different constitution, a different heart, a different brain....dying is for fools.", and the real kicker: "I've just answered to a higher calling. I blinked and I cured my brain."
The general reaction I've heard from my friends and online is that Charlie Sheen has gone from epic mess to just epic. Apparently comparing yourself to a higher power who, and I quote, has "exposed people to magic that people otherwise wouldn't see in their boring, normal lives." makes you really fucking cool. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being fact anyone who knows me well can vouch for my attraction to all dudes with swagger and situations ripe with exclusivity. And I'm also all for partying...again anyone who knows me, or has partied with me on more than one occasion can safely say I subscribe to the notion of going hard..I mean if you're going to have fun, you might as well go 100%. So yes, I understand the fascination with a celebrity who has shamelessly promoted a lifestyle we all secretly aspire to at one point or another...but to call him simply amazing and a legend?
Just listening to Sheen go on about his otherworldliness made me laugh. It's amusing to see that he believes his "tiger blood" will keep him alive even when snorting more snow than we see fall in a winter and to wax on about how he's God's gift to partying. Like, come on now dude, are you kidding me? The second he relapses (which he will, despite his "on/off" brain capabilities he so delicately explained) and ends up in a coffin is the second all his slack-jawed admirers will realize that all people, no matter how delusional, are human.
But I get it, I really do. It's admirable to see some one normalize such a taboo but insanely fun lifestyle, and not only normalize it but preach it like they mean it. And if you're anyone remotely attached to the scene, of any city really, I'm sure you can relate. (No judgement here guys...heavens knows I've been there, and back, and then some.) Sheen was born to a famous father and family and is used to his privileged lifestyle and consequence-less (relatively speaking anyways) life and it seems to have inflated his ego, just ever so slightly.
At the end of the day, he's just a three-times divorced washed-up actor with five children who did a bunch of drugs and banged a lot of hookers. Cool or not's just really fucking gross.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, cool blog! I found it searching "i've just answered to a higher calling" on google. I wanted to see what people say about this. Your take on this is interesting: you say that all of the taboo things he advocate are cool but that his coolness is overblown.

    I think he is a recovering addict in a manic phase, which is a medical condition that should be taken seriously. But people do not understand this. The media normalizes Sheen's behavior as characteristic of every addict, which is not the case. I truly hope he gets help and gets better.
