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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

OMFG -- No Tomorrow.

I slowly opened my eyes the other morning in bed and, to my horror, the sun wasn't just was sending laser beams of light into my corneas. Not only that, but my normally serene room was spinning and in disarray (did I always throw my bra up on my curtain rod before bed?) and the normally slight murmur of the gardeners working on my street sounded like metal gravel being churned into my ears. Okay, I may be exaggerating but only because I was extremely hungover, and probably still a little wasted from the night before! Yes, it may of been a Monday but it was a holiday Monday and so, like any self-respecting person with a holiday the next day, I made it my personal mission to drink like there was no tomorrow the night before.
Obviously there is always a tomorrow but when you're in your twenties it never quite seems to feel like it....especially when you're highly inebriated and surrounded by people who seem to think the same. Ah, your twenties; perhaps the only time in life one gets away with such socially questionable behaviour, and gets away with it while looking good and with a smirk plastered on his or her face. To feel consequence-less is definitely something of a fleeting era confined to those in our age bracket ...behave the same way any older and it looks either 1) desperately sad or 2) highly irresponsible -- don't you have kids to go home to or something? But living like there's no tomorrow now is perfectly acceptable and we twenty-somethings should take full advantage of such amazing karmic rights.
All debauchery should be carried out with discretion, none of us want to end up like such tabloid fodder as Lindsay Lohan. Seriously, when the whole world knows you're a mess and you still are in denial, that's when you know your consequence-less days are over. There's a fine line between appreciatively enjoying these carefree days and going shamelessly overboard to a point of no recovery. A perfect example of the latter in the news recently (or rather always it seems) is Paris Hilton. With all her money, supposed "hidden" smarts she hides with a surprisingly convincing dumb-as-dirt persona and all her experience with handling the media, Paris has managed to get herself arrested -- again! -- this time for cocaine possession. The last report I read said something to the likes of "Hilton thought cocaine was gum! Purse containing drug was not hers because it wasn't designer!" Of course it was gum! I always take my gum in powder form up my nose, my toothpaste in joint form that I light up and smoke and my mouthwash comes in little tablets that have an "e" on them! I mean, come on. Hilton and Lohan are sorely tragic examples of two girls who were literally given anything they wanted in the world and still managed to mess it up. A little lesson in grace here young Hollywood: when the world is your playground, have fun on the monkey bars, but don't climb to the top of the jungle gym, take a shot of Jack, then face-plant into misery. Well, not more than a few times anyways.
The universe, or society, whichever it is we in our twenties happen to believe in at the moment, seems to have set aside a pardon on youth when it comes to forgiveness. Acts of brutality aside (we're not talking murder or anything here people), it seems as though a misdemeanor here, a one night stand there, and a passing out in goodness knows where can all be chalked up as "learning " experiences for now, from which we're expected to mature and know better from. Now I know I've had more than my share of "learning experiences" and it's true, once you go through them once (or twice) it's not likely to happen again because let's face it: been-there-done-that syndrome occurs to even the craziest of the party crowd. 
The message here is simple my lovely readers: live it up now while everything still is your playground and before we all start having relatively substantial things in life to worry about. That trip to Ibiza you want to take but can't quite justify? Go. That thing that seems like a really good idea at 4 a.m. that you know you shouldn't? Do it. Those really expensive shoes you want to roll up in this weekend just because? Buy them. Mistakes are only mistakes when we allow them to be, and now is when we should be making them. Live and learn is the simplest, yet truest saying there is and we twenty-somethings should be living those words to the fullest. 

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