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Monday, February 13, 2012

OMFG - Happy Valentine's Day! (No, Really)

The single girl being bitter on Valentine's Day has been done to death in the media. Burning photos of exes, binge eating chocolates and being an overall weepy mess is an archetype we can recall from our favorite romantic comedies, past and present. (Jennifer Garner beating the crap out of a heart-shaped pinata in Valentine's Day, for one.)  Seeing that in the movies is one thing. Being that in real life is another.

It's just pointless to be a Debbie Downer on Valentine's Day. (Or as my friend Sean has called it for as long as I can remember, Single's Appreciation Day aka S.A.D...ha!) I've been there, done that, and it does nothing except make you more sad. Let me note that in all my 24 years I have never had a successfully romantic V-day. This includes three years with a boyfriend -- and that right there should succinctly tell you why we are no longer together. Still, with that pathetic romantic history in mind, I have no desire to throw rocks at PDA-ing couples or cringe at anything love related.

Aside from the occasional emotional landmine (certain songs are the worst..) I'm pretty much a happy camper on the love front. Any swaying in the other direction is quickly dispelled by the presence of my lovely parents and their flawless 56 year marriage. If being in the presence of true love for your entire life doesn't make a hopeless romantic out of you, I don't know what will.

I'll be spending tomorrow night having dinner with three of my most wonderful friends then hosting a night out (a thrice weekly occurrence as I work in promotions) at Toronto's Thompson rooftop. We named the event Hearts on Fire and many are taking it as the anti-Valentine's day place to be, but really it's just going to be a gathering a good people having a good time. Happy hearts, sad hearts, and most certainly hearts on fire are welcome.

If a recently brutally heartbroken, now single model who works in the jaded nightlife industry can happily support love on its celebratory day, then really, all you Sad Sallies out there have no excuse! Happy Valentine's Day lovers! x

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