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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

OMFG.....the Drama!!!

"She's pure drama." Those were the dismissive last words a friend of mine spoke of another friend, whom she is currently on the outs with. The word drama has come to have a decidedly negative connotation among social groups meaning some one who brings gossip, backstabbing, and all other things we'd all like to think we left behind in middle school. What exactly passes for drama when we're in our mid-twenties? Gossip, backstabbing, of course, are still relevant, but now the word also seems to encompass any situation that does not get resolved quickly and tidily in a relatively short amount of time. Being a woman in her mid-twenties with emotions and intelligence, I'm sure I can vouch for other women of similar emotional and intellectual levels in saying that not all situations have a tidy means of ending.
Personally, I've never been one to be accused much of being a "drama" starter. I'm generally rational and when going through something in my personal life, I try it keep it just that, personal. However, I'm not immune to illogical bouts of feelings that leak past my personal walls, or drunken spouts of spazzing at those I soberly feel deserve a lashing when I'm in an unpleasant mood and about four martinis in. If you're a woman and reading this, chances are you can sympathize with my ordeals. But, if you're a man, and anything like the men (or boys, as I think many of them are. No offense to the true gentlemen readers out there.) I've had to deal with thus far in my twenties, your train of thought might be something along the lines of "Damn, these chicks are crazy!!" Ah, men. Perhaps the most dismissive of them all when it comes to labeling girls as "drama". There's no need for me to get into the tired and true argument that yes, woman are indeed more emotionally driven versus the so-called logical thinking of men -- it's common knowledge by now.
Granted, there are dozens of dizzy dolls out there for whom throwing a tantrum or acting haughtily and princess-like can be triggered by the pettiest of actions; you know, those girls who gather their Plastics together and conspire against that girl they barely know because she may or may not have been talking to one of their ex-boyfriends from a million years ago. Immature idiocy aside, twenty-something woman of reasonable persona definitely do not lack emotionally trying and at times downright tough episodes in life. Love, deception, death, friendships, change and careers are all topics we go through perpetually but seem especially exposed when experiencing them for the first time during this decade. Such legitimate experiences warrant a little drama, in my opinion at least.
The next time you find yourself dealing with some one who appears to be "pure drama", ask yourself a couple questions; Is the drama justified? (Quick note: all situations involving clothes, guys who are dicks, hair extensions and dirty looks need not apply.) If it is, how can you be there for them? Because really, that's all drama is -- a little cry for some support and just as easily as said support is given, the drama disappears.

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