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Sunday, June 5, 2011

What's cover got to do with it? -- OMFG

In the world after the sun goes down, one where looks, money and reputation talk more than anything else, it's easy for an ego to go from a wee little thing to a whale of a thing. Bouncers, promoters and club owners make the decisions and getting to know the right people can make for a decidedly easy or decidedly difficult nightlife existence. For those that are used to the velvet ropes opening without having to say anything, inflated egos are the norm...and boy do they ever get pumped up and fast! For people who claim to throw around bills like it's no big deal, nothing quite gets an ego irritated like a twenty dollar (or less!) cover charge.

Yes, I've been quite spoiled when it comes to club treatment. I can't remember the last time I paid cover, and usually get walked in and led to straight to a booth. However, I know this is because a) I'm a model and let's face it, people want to party with the pretty people, b) I've been a fixture on the scene long enough to know and be friends with many of the promoters and club owners or c) I'm now a promoter myself, and well if I didn't get let right into my own parties that'd be pretty embarrassing! What I am certain of is that I'm not being let in because of anything more substantial than that. So, when I'm out with friends who may not be hardcore clubbers like yours truly, I have no problem shelling out the $10 or what-have-you that stands between my friends and I, and the other side the door. We all know nothing's more annoying than a model who thinks he or she is a movie star. Relax there sweetheart, hotness in this scene is a dime a dozen.

Models who get all huffy and puffy over cover are laughable in that you clearly can see they value their looks more than the dude letting people in. For any model who wants to be taken seriously, boy or girl, I'd knock off the princess act immediately, if not sooner. (For the record male models who try and pull this shit are ten times more pathetic than the girls that do....just don't do it boys. It effeminates you even further and come on, you're already male models. Unless you're okay with being feminine pieces of meat...then by all means.)

However, non models, especially all the alpha-men out there who claim to have this, that, and anything else they want at their disposal, who make a fuss about cover are just as, if not more pathetic in my opinion. I mean really really, as the macho man you say you are, are you going to let something as measly as ten or twenty dollars throw off your whole night? From what I've seen, the answer is apparently yes. I've witnessed grown men throw downright hissy-fits, threatening to call this person and that person over the supposedly inhuman way they're being treated. Asking the door girl to check guest list one more time is one thing, or bbm-ing the owner to see if he can pop out is all right as well, but acting like a jerk whose entire night is being derailed for every second he has to stand outside while tapping his Gucci loafers and threatening to never come back? Oh goodness. If these macho men only knew their behavior was contradicting their whole alpha-male stance to the core. The irony.

On some level I get it. If you're used to getting what you want time after time and then it's suddenly denied to you, it can be off-putting. But for those with true swagger and class, knowing it has nothing to do with who you are (and how can these measly door people not know that already?!) and probably more to do with it's just a really packed night at a club makes it so an ego can go unscathed. It happens to the best of us, guys and dolls, and those of us who know this pony up the $10, waltz through the door with a smile, and dance the night away. I once was with a group of friends and a guy I was interested in at the time when we were all stopped at the door for cover. After briefly talking to the door dude, the guy motioned for all of us to go in. I only found out later that instead of making a fuss, he had discreetly paid cover for all of us and didn't even bother mentioning it. Now that my dear bloggees, is a true alpha male.

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