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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Online Dating -- Yay or Nay? OMFG

It's official: romance is dead. Okay, so maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but it seems as though in today's modern world, the notion of good old fashioned romance is just that: old fashioned. With our lives becoming busier than Charlie Sheen's bed during a bender, there's little to no time left to wine, dine, and woo that special somebody. Actually, there barely seems any time at all to meet that special somebody! More and more friends of mine have turned to online dating in recent years complaining to me that after school is over, there really is no decent place to meet people of interest aside from the workplace. (And even that's a no-no...there's no need to shit where you eat, kids.) Have we become so cynical in finding love that online dating, essentially a formula to matching one person with another, has become the norm?

The stigma once attached with cyber cruising is minimal if not totally gone (read: it's not just for fat, lonely losers and the creepiest of the creepsters anymore) and now it's not unusual for pretty ladies with crowded professional lives to approach dating as they would their careers: with method and calculation. Why take the time out of an already exhausting schedule to meet someone when you can get a service to weed out those you're not compatible with? Exactly. Many of my beautiful and intelligent girl friends have turned to Lavalife, Plenty of Fish and what-have-you to go on dates with potential boyfriends. (Note: only 2 of my girlfriends have ended up with stalkers because of it. Be weary, ladies and gents.) 

It's all well and dandy and makes perfect sense to find a mate based on questionnaire-like compatibility tests....but what about the zsa zsa zou? Telling the story of how you met just doesn't sound as charming and ravishing when you say: "Online." There's no mystery, no sense of destiny and definitely no initial butterflies when you're clicking through one picture after another and reading tag lines such as "I enjoy long walks on the beach.." (Okay, who doesn't?) My boyfriend and I met doing a fashion show together where he literally swept me off my feet; while I was at the end posing, he ran down and threw me over his shoulder with playful showmanship. Cheesy? was an Ed Hardy swimwear fashion show after all (that's usually a detail we purposely leave out, for obvious reasons) but definitely a romantic little anecdote that makes me smile every time I remember it. 

Romance has been slowly fading ever since I can remember anyways....I mean women nowadays are so romance-starved I mildly swoon if a gentleman even bothers to open a door for me. But with lives on the go-go-go and coupling-up taking a backseat to careers and opportunity, perhaps a practical approach is of smart logic. Perhaps. But for the hopeless and lovey-dovey (i.e. yours truly) approaching love will always have nothing to do with logic....Carrie said it best when breaking-up with the Russian in Paris: "I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."  Amen. 

Sidenote: Online dating may not be romantic, but this is downright embarrassing: learn from Ted darling blogees... a little snippet from How I Met Your Mother!

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