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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OMFG..So Emotional!

"I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like," is the one line that stands out to me in Eminem and Rihanna's new song "Love the Way You Lie". Now I've never been one to really relate to Eminem songs -- I had cast them aside as songs only people in stained wife-beaters holding beer cans or repressed middle American suburban teens (or both) related to.
We're talking strictly on an emotional level here people, it's not like I'm some violent, unstable and by the sounds of it, physically abusive, person. But I think everyone and anyone who has gone through an emotional crisis of sorts involving another person can find an "a-ha!" moment within Em's words.
I'm what I would describe as, whatever one level up from hyper-emotional is, times a hundred, then cubed. It's not the most convenient stance to have on life, but I've come to accept that's how I'll always be and learned to live my life as such. I feel what I'm going through always -- and not just in my mind -- I mean I am in physical pain when sad, feel the life knocked out of me when upset and dangerously close to spontaneous combustion when irate. No matter how rational I know I should be, and how clearly I see the situation, I am always ruled by whatever emotion I feel brewing in my heart and spreading throughout the rest of my body (I'm skinny -- it doesn't take long!)
Now while I may be an extreme, many of my girlfriends are on similar levels in that they are ruled more so by emotion than by their more practical sides of their brains. Yes, we've all heard this argument before, it's in our biology, it's innate, men are from mars woman are from blah blah blah. Okay. We get it...we're more emotional. So now the real question is (as it always is!): What's a girl to do?!
Get busy. Honestly girls, we are our own best friends. Take the time to be a weepy mess on the floor with tissues, chocolate and whatever go-to music you need (I'm all about the Winehouse, Fleetwood Mac and really bad R&B) because goodness knows we need to cry through whatever craptasicness we're feeling. Then, pick your fabulous selves off the floor, shimmy into your slinkiest feel-good outfits and just throw yourself into whatever makes you happy. It's the best remedy for anything really, and moves you ahead in whatever direction you should be going.
I've decided to focus on my career and friends and have landed a slew of good jobs (modeling) already! Good things come to those to who seek them get seeking.
So yes, it's definitely important to feel through emotions, or at least to me it is. But I've realized, especially as of lately, that you can't just let them overtake everything. Granted, I still have a couple good cries left in me about what's happened, but I've been happier today than I was yesterday, and the day before, and so on....and I can imagine it's only uphill form here on!
So our dear little Em was right; situations of the heart are definitely viewed as such. "Maybe that's what you get when a tornado meets a volcano..." Not quite as on point there, but maybe that's what you get when emotions meet a little common sense.

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