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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love, schmove. OMFG.

Bloggees! Sorry it's been a month since I last wrote...I've been an admitted emotional wreck lately (sigh that damn break-up bomb just keeps exploding) and pretty busy with modeling so between posing and crying, I haven't found the time to update! Is there some sort of cosmic rule out there that one's professional and personal lives can't be on the same wavelength? My professional life has been going well only to see the exact opposite happen to me personally.
In all this break-up kufuffle, I've been sharing my woes with my friends, and to a certain extent people in the industry when I'm on the job. I've been told over and over again: focus on you. The consensus, within the go-getter community anyways, is overwhelmingly that love is weakness and those that are independent, unchained, almost unemotional are the ones who are the most successful. With plenty of travel, chic parties and illusions of availability being the norm in the lifestyles of movers and shakers, having to take a second to consider a some one else is....unheard of. It's survival of the fittest where being fit means being available at a moment's notice, dressed to the nines, ready to network and conveying an air of ridiculous positivity regardless of personal issues. I've met these people, you've met these people; but no one really knows these people because to get past that carefully crafted veneer of polish and shine usually takes knowing them on an unprofessional level.
To go-go-go is to be successful and to acquire things the fastest, to land the most covers, to know the most people, to rise in the fame game is all what measures success...or so it's been drilled into my brain lately.
This begs the question: where did all the romantics go? I feel as though I'm the last one some times. No, I'm not advocating being lost in fairy tale drivel and getting nothing done due to weeping and pining for true love, but I am wondering what the hell ever happened to being able to make it out there as a twosome? That's right people, pick your jaws up off the floor. I actually believe it's possible to live the jetset life, be successful and have the respect of those in the industry while being -- gasp -- in a relationship! Of course, this only works within a secure relationship that's pretty serious. Otherwise, well let's face it, some one ends up getting their heart stamped by 4-inch spikey-heeled Sam Edelman's or leather-embossed Gucci loafers. I guess where my romantic notions come into play is that I find something so appealing in being together and trying to make it. The pursuit of something more with the one you love seems like a great adventure....what could be more thrilling than picking up your belongings, moving to the big city and starting from nothing with only love to get you started? This is the stuff songs are made of people, the stuff of the greatest love stories.
I guess what it comes down to is people simply aren't looking to write great love stories anymore -- they're looking to write the next great American novel, the rags to riches story where their stance in life in unchallengeable because it's airtight in the ultimate lifestyle as dictated by the best clothes, homes and activities.
While material things are of definite importance to me (see previous post where I drool over designer goods and you'll get the picture), and power is a nice bonus when it comes to getting shit you want done, I guess I'm just a sucker for romance. I've never seen it, and never will see it, as a downfall, but instead something that enhances my life. It's love that makes me feel motivated to do the most.
I'm confident in my career as well and I'll keep you all updated on how modeling progresses now that my safety-net job at the university has ended (after four years!) but it's my belief, or possibly my naiveté, in romantic absolutes that keeps me going...and in this great love story, I've just ended Chapter One. It's only the beginning...

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