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Monday, August 16, 2010


While no one past the age of twelve says BFF in any seriousness, the value of friendship is definitely something of priority and importance in my life. My girlfriends always used to say it was a red flag if you were dating a guy who had no friends because it usually means homeboy doesn't, and won't ever, give a tiny rat's ass about anyone other than himself. [Just to note: I could write a novel -- no, an entire encyclopedia library on that specific subject, but we'll get around to that another day!]
Friends are essential in every twenty something's life and if you look around at who you're friends with, it's probably a pretty good indicator of who you are. Our twenties are when we live out all those cliches you saw in movies growing up; you know the ones I'm referring to: 'Who am I? What is love? Will I ever get over this?' and we inevitably go through the phases of all these cliches with friends by our side. A growing period, the decade also results in the loss of a lot of friends for reasons as simple as you outgrew them. We all know those buddies who haven't changes a bit since high school and are still doing not a whole lot, smoking joints and drinking all in their parent's basement. While they come and go, I've come to find that everyone who is in my life at whatever given moment is in my life for a reason; and the others, well our friendship simply ran its course.
The other night while out with my best friend since I was young and a couple who are both friends of mine, I realized how amazing it is to just have that network of people you love. Over too-strong vodka tonics, hazy lights and surrounded by Affliction wearing cheeseballs, I was having a great time! (Allow me to note that I attempted to climb into the DJ booth only to wipe-out and still not care; lack of embarrassment is the ultimate indicator of awesomeness on the fun scale -- well that or you know, I was too hammered to process what was going on. We'll go with the former.) I was having a great time simply because we were all at this terrible club, listening to terrible music, watching some truly terrible dancing...together. And because of that....well it wasn't terrible at all. Of course all the drinks we had pounded down earlier probably helped, but when it comes down to it, you should be able to have the time of your life with your true friends anywhere: whether it be at some insanely chic club, or in the back of a divey bar.
An emotional network is essentially what your buds are there for, people you can lean on when you need to and who lean on you when they need to. Such a network, based on care, connection and a ridiculous amount of inside jokes is one I'll always understand much more easily than a business network. Call it my downfall or my strength, but matters of the heart are the ones I give the most attention.
As sappy as this post is, I guess I just needed a little outlet to say I freakin' love my close pals in my life...the trouble we get into (lots), the nights we have out (scandalous), the fights we get over (immature) and the times we have (priceless) well, I wouldn't trade them for the entire Fall/Winter 2010 Stella McCartney ready-to-wear collection. So drink up, laugh up, live it up...and get by with a little help from your friends.

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