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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

OMFG -- Another twentysomething Bday!

In a little under an hour, it's my birthday. That means I'll be 24 which means I'll be one year away from 25 which is basically almost at 30, which is just a tad away from 40, which is middle-aged and holy crap, I'm basically halfway to my deathbed! Aaaaand deep breath. As you can see, birthday celebrations have changed from the cake-filled, care-free parties of my youth to ticking little time bombs (I always picture those ones from the Mario games that march at you with cranks on their stupid backs) that remind me I've lost another year. Granted, at least my Asian genes have saved me from counting the wrinkles for now (actually, this is the one area I don't mind gaining another year -- I feel sexier with every number added to my age for goodness knows why. Chalk it up to confidence and experience), but feel like I have so much more to do and so little time to do it whenever May 17th rolls around on the calendar.

Of course, this usually is mirrored for the most part in my career. Or lack there-of at the moment. After watching The Social Network I literally muttered "Fuck you, Zuckerberg." for making every single twenty-something on the face of this earth feel like a hopeless underachiever. Yes, I've gained a lot of life experience, traveled somewhat thoroughly, obtained a degree, loved and loss and loved again, made friends I wouldn't trade for all the Spring/Summer 2011 collections in the world, and grown wiser (well let's hope) than the person I was years ago, but I've yet to prove it all in the bank and nothing says tick tick tick like a lack of major ka-chings! I've been fortunate enough to hold great jobs at the University of Toronto and made some pretty sweet cash modeling, but as I get older I realize I need something that pays big and is, more importantly, stable. As my mom used to say when I was little, half-jokingly and perhaps half-worriedly: "Sheila my darling, you will need to make a lot of money because you like nice clothes and you like seafood." Oh goodness, was she ever right.

But, enough of the money talk for the time being! I have confidence in my intelligence and ambition and therefore know that something will arise soon, and when it does I'll be ready to jump on it. (Well that, or I'm going grab it by the balls. I am never one to wait for anything other than my order to come in restaurants. And even then I glare at the waitresses. Seriously, how long does sushi take? It's not even cooked.) I also have confidence in my ability to work hard, something I see missing in many of the twenty-somethings I've chatted with while out and about. Nothing worth having in this world comes easy, and I'm fully prepared to work my ass off for whatever I think is worth it.

With that noted, a relative peace of mind --at least for this week so I can celebrate stress-free --I am excited to see what comes next during my 24th year! If the past is any indication, it should be one filled with beautiful times with friends, exciting endeavors around the world, partying like there's no tomorrow, gaining the knowledge I need to go further than I have before, opportunities I never dreamed of, and as always, just enough romance and scandal to keep things interesting. I'm sure the stress of forming my career will hit be in about a week, when all the hangovers and confetti have passed, but hey -- at least I know I still look pretty damn good. ;-)

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