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Monday, May 23, 2011

The Sheilakins Bucket List -- OMFG!

So despite all this apocalypse talk that had May 21st, 2011 pegged as the day the world would implode, it seems as though we're all still alive and well....and hey, it was even beautiful and sunny here in Toronto on our imagined last day! Doomsday theories are nothing new to humanity and I'm sure we could all go on about why this one in particular came to be (I have no idea to be perfectly honest. The Mayan calendar? The Bible? I'm guessing it's one or the other) but rather if the end of the world is happening, let's face it, there's not a whole lot we can do to stop it! (I don't mean to be pessimistic, but come on, unless it's a huge asteroid and we go all Bruce Willis in Armageddon on it's ass, we're hypothetically doomed.)

What world-ending theories are good for (other than significantly increasing the sales of canned foods) are evaluating our lives. What better excuse to examine the life we have lived thus far than being told it's going to possibly end? Exactly. To live a life of no regrets is a popular saying but one, like many ideals in life, that is easier said than done. Life is full of coulda, woulda, shoulda moments and it's human nature to theorize about all the what if's of major past decisions. I'm a believer in destiny so I'm generally satisfied in knowing that where I am in life at this moment, no matter how many issues I might have with it or troubles that befall me on th way, is where I'm supposed to be. (To read more on active destiny, see my previous posts.) However if the world was going to end this year, and my world with it at age 24, I guess there would be a few things I wish I got around to doing.

And so, in the spirit of all things apocalyptic (never really thought I'd be saying that!) I present to all you dear bloggees The Sheilakins Bucket List! Otherwise known as things I'd like to accomplish before the next possible Doomsday occurs!

1) Eat more cake.
I don't mean this quite exactly literally (well kind of...) but more in terms of just enjoying life, and food without worrying about appearance. Modeling is all nice and dandy for the most part, but there are days where I feel like a bloated cow when I know I'm definitely not a bloated cow. I nitpick at my body just like many other girls do and I've beaten myself up over eating this or that before, but when it comes down to it, life is too short not to try the most amazing foods everywhere you go. So yes, I would like to order that slice of cake for dessert, please and thank you!

2) Let go of the past.
Oy, this one is a doozey for me. I'm stubborn and highly observant which makes for some one who holds onto past discretions with an iron grip. Hurt me once and chances are, I won't forget it ever unless you do a whole lot of groveling. And even then it's probably still in the back of my mind. My unbudging mind combined with a surprisingly still-naive heart makes for a tortuous existence at times (not in an emo way, but more of an illogical way even though I know what I should be doing) and learning to live and let go of what's no longer relevant is a skill I should learn for my own happiness. To quote the Backstreet Boy's (yes, the Backstreet Boys) "I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me.."  Good point boys, good point.

3) Have a great romance.
Carrie was a selfish and annoying RWF (rich white female) on Sex and he City, but damn the girl had some amazing quotes. To reiterate my favorite Sex and the City quote of all six seasons: "I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love." Yes, I'll take one of those, please. Finding those zsa zsa zou moments is easy, chasing them is fun, but maintaining the zsa zsa zou with some one so it becomes a great love? That's something I've yet t experience. (For all of you who don't know what zsa zsa zou is:

4) See the world.
Traveling is one of the most enlightening and self-realizing experiences there is in my opinion. The world is such a vast and varied place, and even for some one who has traveled more than most my age, I still have only seen just a mere fraction of it. Traveling alone is all right for those who are very independent I suppose (quick injection of bitterness here: independent is just the nice was of saying selfish, again just my humble opinion) but for some one who, when happiest, wants to share that happiness with those she cares about, traveling the world is about sharing unique experiences with loved ones. My Singapore trip aside (I just needed to let loose was a warpath of partying and fun if there ever was one), my travel experiences have consisted of discovering new areas and seeing the previously unseen with those who were in the same boat. Shared happiness indeed.

5) Be less selfish.
Speaking of selfishness, that's another area I want to improve upon. I tend to get caught up so much in my own life that I forget to help and listen to others. I remember my dad stopping me once in the kitchen at home and saying it was as though I was staying in a hotel and not at home since I was so in and out without interacting with my family at all. Being part of a tight knit family helps me remember take time out of my own shenanigans and see how my sister, mom, dad and brother are doing. The same goes for my friends who I feel deserve more of my attention than they some times get. Charity is another realm I have yet to really delve into and that's something I'd like to change as soon as possible.

So there you have it bloggeekins! I hope to live my life the fullest keeping my bucket list in mind, and hope that you all accomplish whatever it is  you want to as well. You know, before the worlds ends again and all.

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