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Saturday, May 28, 2011

OMFG -- Shameless, Naked Models

The world of modeling is not for the shy. There's the frantic stripping and re-dressing of clothes backstage at fashion shows where all the models undress together in makeshift changing rooms, there's the bikini and lingerie castings in front of large groups of clients, the creatives that require nudes or implied nudes and much, much more. Long story short, being naked ain't no thang to a model after a solid run in the industry.

A job is a job, for me at least, and luckily I'm some one who's pretty darn comfortable with her body and does't mind being near-naked when need be. The key words there being when need be. The concept of shame is one that seems to allude many models after a few jobs here and there have gained them praise for their fine physiques. Let's get one thing straight here: it's modeling. We're all good-looking and have good bodies. It's the whole reason why we're afforded the luxury of a job where we get to pose pretty and be paid for it.  This is another concept that seems to allude some models who feel the need to be naked, or near-naked, all the ding-dang time. I mean, I've worked jobs where some models have literally strutted around butt-ass naked inbetween outfits and had chats with the hairdressers, make-up artists and whoever the heck else happens to be in the room. Yup. Full conversations while all their junk and whatnot is hanging out.  Perhaps it's an insecurity thing in the most messed up way where continually being unclothed invities adoring words from the masses of non-models who are around. Perhaps it's a consequence of being treated as nothing more than a pretty face for so long that being a piece of meat is de rigueur. Or perhaps, as I like to think, it's just plain nasty. For the love of all others around you, put some damn clothes on you silly, brain-dead little model!

Where this gets especially complicated is when you're dating a model. Boundaries of the body when in a relationship are of obvious importance, but when you're dating some one who's job it is to strip down and look hot, things can get complicated. The line between what is between you and your lover and your lover and all the people he or she works with gets blurred. Dare I say that in "normal" relationships, the only other person to see your signfiacant other naked is you! Well, that's not always the case with modeling. A flirty business by nature also doesn't aid in setting up where to draw that oh-so-crucial line. What counts as schmoozing in the modeling industry often translates into careless flirting in other circumstances and just adds more confusion, and often times hurtful actions to relationships.

But, let's be honest here. Only models who are truly self-deluded and egotistically arrogant can't see the clear lines between work neccessities and shameless exposure. Sadly, many of the models, both girls and guys (although moreso the men -- seems as though they just can't get enough of girls going gaga over six-packs an whatnot. Typical male egos in my opinion. Also, I suppose men can get away with being much less-dressed than women and have it be a lot less scandalous.) that I've met fit into that category. To gain most or all of your self-worth from physical priase is pathetic indeed. For shame! Or, I guess, lack of it.

Only in the modeling world would I feel the need to say such the ridiculously basic next line: Let's keep it classy and clothed peeps.

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