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Thursday, May 19, 2011

OMFG -- Girls be Crazy.

Girls are crazy. I don't mean that in a derogatory way by any means -- crazy is a good thing in my books and oh boy, let me reiterate...girls are crazy. Just nuts. Psycho. Bananas, if you will. If there's one thing I've learned in my twenties thus far, it's that girls are crazy and boys are stupid. As far as men go, well there isn't much to say there. Under-thinking and over-acting results in stupid. End of story. But women.....oh goodness. We could write novels and novels on the highly complicated and intricately intertwined way through which women are perceived as crazy! So allow me touch upon Chapter One at least in the Great American Novel of Women: being cray-cray in your twenties.

The height of my dear fellow girls manic years appear to be our twenties. Blame it on impending maturity, blame it on constant change, or simply blame it on the al-a-a-al-a-alcohol baby, either way I'm sure we've all met, dealt with, or purposefully spilled our drinks on what can only be described as some crazy ass bitches. However, all crazy ass bitches start off as normal, pleasant girls. It usually is a slow decent from there with crippling factors such as boys, friends, frenemies, boys, careers, parties, and what's that? More boys. Women are the only creatures I know of who can love and despise each other so frequently and effervescently. I have literally had girls tell me "I love you!" only to smack talk me to the next person they turn to. I've also experienced varying relationships with girls whom I am super tight with, then suddenly cannot deal with anymore. It's a variety of factors really, all in motion all at the same time, perpetually and complicatedly that spin through a girls' head and get untangled and re-tangled when mixed with the emotions, security levels, and confidence issues she happens to be dealing with on whatever particular day. I'm not advocating that men are less emotionally complicated wait, that's exactly it. Either that, or they just choose to ignore their emotions, something I can assure you no girl can do on a regular basis.

One only has to look at pop culture to see this bitches-be-crazy trend is widespread. Anyone see Bridesmaids this weekend? (Hilariously funny and not just in a raunchy way -- Team Wiig for the win!) Long story short, putting a group of girlfriends together in a high-stress situation (that being planning a wedding-- anyone who says otherwise is lying!) ends up in pent-up psycho rants, tears, and jealousy. Oh jealousy...the green-eyed monster born from insecurity is, in my opinion, the root of 95% of all girls gone crazy. No one waltzes into their twenties entirely sure of themselves (anyone who says otherwise..totally lying again) and when you're in a scene where looks get you places, maintaining ideals of perfection can be an obsession. Throw in other factors (once again, I'm going to stress boys, the little devils) and you've got situation after situation where girls feel they need to validate themselves in one way or another. I'm a self-admitted possessive person (I'm going to blame it on me being a typical Taurus...and nothing else) and nothing grates a girl's self esteem like a little bout of jealousy. Sadly, for most girls it's instinct to get fiercely jealous whenever they see other hot girls around. Tearing them down is an easy way to cement your own self-esteem but ultimately an immature tactic.

Girl on girl hate is so rife in the clubbing and modeling world, and within any social group really. It's ridiculous and unjustified, and I've been on both ends of it throughout my teen and twenties. However, making a conscious effort to be a sister instead of a hater is an easy one and one I've tried to follow in recent years. I'm nice to everyone for the most part (unless something mean is done, then obviously I'd stand my ground....strongly too.) and it's so much easier, nicer, and well, better for your self-esteem at the end of the day to be a lover not a fighter. Why bother ripping apart the beautiful girl who just walked into your casting? It's so much better to get to know her and end up partying together til 4am that weekend.

Acknowledging such a simple rules as "be nice to others" may appear juvenile, obvious and most of all logical....but from one female twenty-something to you all, trust me when I say there is no logic as a girl in your twenties. Just a whole of cray cray.

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